I resisted to write a title like ‘Creative helps to the Max’, or ‘Maximum Creativity’ because that would be too cringe-worthy for words, although ‘First Creative to Help Expand Bastardography’ is simultaneously too cryptic, too vague and too obvious to be of much use to anyone. Anyway, this blog is about the fact that actor […]
Book marketing
Posts about marketing your work
Would You Ever Want to Read a Patchwork Book?
In the writing of a book, lots can change. My original idea for the book was that it would be a collage, a patchwork memoir, that didn’t follow a narrative line; luckily my publisher talked me out of it, because I think people would not have responded well to it. Although perhaps the idea could […]
Creativity, Innovation and Participation
One of the most exciting things about having written a ‘book’ as it’s a great springboard for adaptation. I was going to cite Douglas Adam’s whose Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy spawned radio, television, film, game, stage, comic-book and tea-towel variations although I think the radio version came before the book? Anyway, a book you […]
Mr Jay goes to SOAS
I’m sitting here a little overwhelmed. This afternoon I gave my first book reading proper. I’ve been ‘on the bill’ for one or two open-mic gigs which went down rather well. But this was my first on my own. It was a bijou affair on the fourth floor of The School of Oriental and African […]
Five other bloggers on Bastardography
As I prepare for todays talk at SOAS LGBT Society in London. Something that I am half excited, half nervous about, I was going to share such nonsensical fears, but then I thought that would be rather silly. Instead I thought I’d give a run-down of five other bloggers who wanted to talk about Bastardography. […]