When you do a fringe show, on a limited budget, especially when it’s essentially, a ‘one-person show’, you’re rather limited about what you can create in terms of set. In past shows, I’ve just not bothered with anything, especially when touring. I mean I did a whole tour with a plastic joke-shop arm as the […]
I haven’t a Stitch to Wear (Fashion Ideas for Performance)
First things first. If you’re going to do a show based on your book, you’ve got to dress in something fabulous and sums up your aesthetic. The thing is, my natural dressage is lazy. I like to refer to it as shambolic chic. I often play other characters, so one has a costume and therefore […]
Bastardography – A Queer, Creative, Mental Health Theatre Odyssey
It’s just over two weeks before I take the Balham stage to bring my book Bastardography to life. The play’s subtitle is ‘A queer, creative, mental health odyssey’. With a background in theatre (no sniggering at the back, there!) it seems a natural fit to create a unique theatrical experience based on the book rather than […]
Flat Earthers and other twits
There are degrees of uncomfortable conversation where your host might sometime raise the subject of the flat earthers society. Dinner parties where one previously unassuming character pipes up about the divinity, or veganism or even worse, homeopathy. Or there is the awkward racist who tries to pretend they aren’t racist. The unapologetic bigot is, in […]
People Knowing My Personal Business
I was just drifting off the other night, listening to the dulcet tones of Mylene Klass and her inane chatter on ClassicFM, when I had a sudden realisation. She was in that awful band. Then I had another realisation, ‘I can be googled’. Now we can all be googled, social media, gmail accounts and profiles, […]