I’m sitting here a little overwhelmed. This afternoon I gave my first book reading proper. I’ve been ‘on the bill’ for one or two open-mic gigs which went down rather well. But this was my first on my own. It was a bijou affair on the fourth floor of The School of Oriental and African […]
Zite News
News from Zitebooks—new books, events and general Zite info
Five other bloggers on Bastardography
As I prepare for todays talk at SOAS LGBT Society in London. Something that I am half excited, half nervous about, I was going to share such nonsensical fears, but then I thought that would be rather silly. Instead I thought I’d give a run-down of five other bloggers who wanted to talk about Bastardography. […]
Zitebooks: London Book Launch
The first Zitebooks Book Launch took place at the Yahoo! offices in London’s Shaftesbury Avenue on Thursday March 19th, and was attended by around 125 media punters and friends. The occasion focused specifically on Jacquie Lawrence’s debut novel ‘Different for Girls’, a book recently described in the same breath as both a ‘Lesbian Bonkbuster’ and […]