Thirty Years
This afternoon at Croydon Crown Court, the judge of the case on which we have awaited resolution for three months, finally gave her verdict. Thirty years.
Nigel Clayton is in all likelihood going to spend the remainder of his life behind bars for the terrible campaign of abuse he perpetrated against many young boys and men for nearly forty years. The judge’s summing up was scathing and poignant, declaring that she found him to be a perpetual liar and a selfish predatory rapist. After pronouncing sentence, Clayton, for the first time in the case, declared that there was something he wanted to say in response. The prison officers who were with him dragged him off on the beginning of his last journey outside of prison walls, without allowing him another word.
As Clayton is now 73, it is almost certain that he will never be freed to terrorise again.
I for one am incredibly grateful to the judge and the court that this has happened. The police have put out a request to anyone else who feels they may have been abused by this man to come forward. I believe there may still be others who will have a chance to tell their story, armed with the courage to do so from the strength and certainty of today’s verdict.
Paul Stevens
Incredible, overwhelming result! Well done to Paul and all of the other victims who had the courage to stand up, face their abuser and give evidence. This will hopefully encourage others to do the same. Inspirational bravery.
I totally agree Amy…
It is an overwhelming result for all of Clayton’s victims… These determined men had the courage and strength to come forward and face this monster in court… So brave of them all and I wish them all the best of luck in what ever they do in the future…
I also hope that this will encourage others to come forward and put these sick people behind bars where they belong, and where they will stay for a very long time.
Dear Paul,
I was following Clayton’s sentencing online and couldn’t believe it took all day… What hold has this man got on people? Most sentencing takes between 5 and 15 minutes… but not him… Why?
Beyond this… Congratulations, well done, what an achievement… You must feel so relieved… a weight off of your mind and shoulders… to now be able to get on with your life with this monster of a so-called ‘man’ is where he belongs and will be for… 30 years… Yes! 30 bloody years! He won’t ever be free again… thank God!
I hope he rots in there.
Good Luck, Paul, in whatever you achieve in and from life, from now on… Take care… Stay safe… Enjoy the rest of your life…
You deserve it, mate!
X X Diane X X
Thank you all so much for your kind words of support.
Yes, it was another awful day having to watch Clayton and his team once again try desperately to persuade the judge to deliver a lesser sentence. However the wisdom and awareness of the judge ensured a just result. She proved both firm and fair throughout and could clearly see through Clayton’s feeble attempt to generate a smoke screen of lies and deceit. In her summing up before sentencing she said what an awful, lying, and ultimately evil man Clayton was. A man who only targeted troubled young boys who came from broken homes with no father figures in their lives. She saw through the defence’s weak attempts to play the invalid card and even said to Clayton, “You have made your bed and you will have to lie in it.”
One thing is for sure now and that is that Clayton will have 3O years to lie in his bed. We were all surprised when she gave Clayton a hundred and eighteen years concurrent, with the proviso that he would have to serve a minimum of 30 years.
I’d hoped Clayton would have said sorry for the hurt he had caused but being the evil narcissist he is he never offered a word of contrition. This frail little old man focused his dumb stare straight ahead, not looking at anyone, as he was led away. I felt angry because he didn’t take the chance he was offered to at least say sorry for the hurt he had caused us all.
As for me, I’m going to get on now with my life and not let Clayton take up anymore of my energy. There are a few important human beings in my life who deserve my love and attention and that is what I’m going to attend to. I’m going to be happy and I’m going to make sure I laugh and enjoy my life with the beautiful people that I have met in my life who all deserve my attention.
God bless you all x
Dear Paul,
I hope you get all the love and attention back that you deserve…
Stay happy… keep laughing and enjoy the rest of your life with the ones you love and care for and who love and care for you back…
There are beautiful people in this world who make life worth living… God Bless You. Your strength and courage are amazing!
X X Diane X X
Paul Stevens were you from Crispin Crescent?
Paul, I’ve just purchased your new book ‘Beyond The Hurt’ from Amazon… I can’t wait to read it. I’ve also saved your podcast to my Kindle App from YouTube… I hope you are good and that life is treating you well… Take Care and thank you for writing your brave books… I hope everyone gets to read them. Diane x x
Hi Paul – is there an email address I can send a message to you on ?
Please write to
Hi Paul, it’s Cindy, l hope u still remember me, u r still in my heart and always will be. I’m so sorry I let u down and l am sure u won’t want to forgive me, but l will always love u and hope u think of me sometimes . We both went through so much as kids, as u said , we came from same mould. that’s why I loved u so much. If u feel that u could be my friend again it would make the world to me. I don’t know if u here in Australian or back in England but I would love to know that u r ok and have a good and happy life . Thats all l hope for u 🙏 all my love and thanks for coming into m y life and making it so happy, God bless u darling, Your friend always, and forever Cindy ❤️ ♥️ xxx