Paul Stevens
Paul Stevens is a writer, builder and athlete. You Can’t Hurt Me is his first published book. Paul is an elite runner and boxer who has run his own gyms in south London and Melbourne. He has been involved with MX racing at a professional level and continues to box and run even into his middle 50s. The first of his three book memoirs details a life spent in care, fighting for the right to be free from abuse suffered at the hands of those he encountered on his journey through the care system in the 1970s. He lives in Melbourne and is building his own future house and company base in Queensland. Paul’s first book ‘You Can’t Hurt Me’ is also available in paperback, and the follow up ‘Beyond The Hurt’ is now available as an eBook from Amazon here. It will be available in paperback next year.
‘You Can’t Hurt Me’ is based on a true story, some names and places have been changed to protect the subject’s identity and to protect the innocent. A truly heart-wrenching tale of a young boy’s struggle growing up with a dysfunctional family on a South London Council Estate where violence, alcohol, drugs and a complete disregard for the feelings and interests of young children were commonplace. Enter a nightmare world for a young boy suffering constant physical and mental abuse from both family and family friends. Let down by social workers who were not there to protect him, this is the story of a little boy’s struggle with challenges that were constantly thrown at him from the violent mother and more violent boyfriends he had to endure, to the torments of bullies at school and work. After the constant rejections he regularly encountered from the people he should have been able to trust, this is the story of how, in spite of everything he went through, he still mustered the determination to succeed in making a better life for himself.”
From the author:
‘They say you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends. The one thing that I have been truly blessed with are great friends, past and present. For the lovely friends that have sadly passed from this world, I will always treasure the wonderful memories and time that I have shared with each and every one of you. To all my friends, I’m sorry I cannot name you all, but you know who you are. I want to thank you all. I feel honoured to be able to count each and every one of you as my true friends.’