I kept deleting the word ‘gay’ before man in the title of this blog. The reason being, is that I can’t remember seeing a book anywhere about a man’s experience of BPD, let alone gay, and although being gay myself, and I would’ve found it, possibly, more helpful to have read a gay mans experience, a straight/bi/whatever man’s experience would’ve been just as helpful. I am sure there are memoirs of men with BPD, I just couldn’t find any, they weren’t visible. The accounts of people living with BPD are written primarily by women, and are great resources, but one always wants to find an experience that matches their own.
This is one the reasons I wrote Bastardography, because friends of mine living with Borderline Personality Disorder had said how they were crying out for a lighthearted, British and male perspective of the illness. I found it so strange there weren’t more accounts of it, I couldn’t find many men on Youtube either, where were they? So in the end I wrote the book I would’ve liked to have read when I was diagnosed. It would be great to connect with others who have had this experience, but like I say, you don’t have to be a man, or gay, or even living with a personality disorder. You could be a human being who is interested, concerned for a friend who may be going through these things, or just curious of what a life of a person with BPD is like.
You can read more about the book here and download a free sample too.
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